Recently Taught Courses

Here are brief descriptions of, and links to course materials, for recently/currently taught data analytics/statistics courses.

MPA 6020: Advanced Research Methods for Leadership & Public Affairs

MPA 6020 is an advanced course in data management, analysis, and visualization with R. Students are exposed to multisector national and international data in available diverse formats, learn how to use the Census and other APIs, and how to build static/interactive/animated visualizations (including maps).

MPA 5830: Data Analytics for Leadership & Public Affairs

MPA 5830 is a seven-week online course designed to introduce our Online MPA students to data analysis and visualization with R/RStudio. The ability to handle data, even if only to do some basic data cleaning prior to carrying out appropriate descriptive/inferential analyses and building data visualizations, is a skill as rare in the public sector workforce as great is the demand for that very skill.

MPA 6010: Research Methods for Leadership & Public Affairs

MPA 6010 is an introductory course in applied statistics. It is designed for our MPA students who may have never taken a statistics course in their undergraduate degree program or who took it a long time ago and need a refresher course. We usually end up relying on SPSS or jamovi (of late).

PBIO 3150/5150: Statistics for Plant Biology

PBIO 3150/5150 is the usual required statistics course for undergraduates/graduates, respectively, majoring in plant or cell biology at Ohio University. I had the privilege of teaching this course for several years and have made these materials available because of periodic requests by students.



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